New Dates for 2017
Get your education on at The Academy of Reflective Wellness
This 300 hour program is unique in Reflexology. Therapeutic Reflexology, TCM Reflexology, and applied theory in Quantum Mechanics makes the East Meets West Certification program extremely comprehensive.
All tuition paid to
The Academy of Reflective Wellness
4010 Oak St
Salisbury NC 28147
as always students reviewing a module may review at half tuition price
East Meets West Reflexology Certification Program
300 hr program
Each module $450 if paid before early bird date, $500 after
Bring to class Moving the Energy by Lilian Morten
Han 18-21 (eb Jan 4)
Module 1 Basics Reflexology
Theories of operation
Foot pathology
Anatomical terms
Feb 15-18 (eb Feb 1)
Module 2 Order in the Session
Review from 1st mod.
Intake forms
Charting a session
Body Systems
March 15-18 (eb March 1)
Module 3 Build the Bones
Aroma therapy Introduction Body System Oils.
Foot Pathologies Techniques
Build a foot: bones of foot and lower leg.
Introduction to coming attractions in TCM
April 12-15 (eb April 4)
Module 4 TCM and Reflexology/ Midterm exam
TCM and Reflexology
Paired organs
May 10-13 (eb April 26)
Module 5 Spine • (Assignment 3 clients 3x each)
Nerves to organs
Intro Dermatomes
Intro Myotomes
Work on instructor
June 7-10 (eb June 1)
Module 6 Muscles and Meridians
Mapping muscles in the body
How to use the information
Review of program
Exam. And documentation of 10 clients 3x each.