Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Reflexology and the Brain-Gut Axis

What Happens in Vagus

Reflexology and the
Brain-Gut Axis

Save the date 
April 12-13
Salisbury NC

Perhaps you are aware that the Vagus Nerve sends 80-90% of it's communication to the Brain.  The Brain then assesses that information and communicates back to the Body making up the other 10% of the "conversation."  This makes balancing the Vagus Nerve a valuable part of a Reflexology protocol when addressing:
not to mention
Blood Pressure
just to name a few.
Discover the difference Reflexology can make!
This class is designed to familiarize you with anatomical and reflective locations of the Vagus Nerve and its branches. 
14 ARCB ceu's have been assigned to this education.
Class cost: NCRA Members 275.00
(applies to members of out of state associations as well)
Non Members: 325.00
If registered before April 7
Members: 325.00
Non Members 375.00
All proceeds from this class will be contributed to NCRA to assist with efforts to ensure your right to practice in NC.
Register with payment to:
The Academy of Reflective Wellness
4010 Oak St
Salisbury NC 28147

You can also submit payment to PayPal at cyndihill@att.net using the friends' ad family option.

Upon receipt of payment, your class notes file will be emailed to you.  Please include the current functioning email you wish to receive your file to.
An additional $15 will be assigned to those who wish
The Academy of Reflective Wellness to print for you. 


Reflexology and the Brain-Gut Axis

ARCB approved for 14 ceu's
  • Specifics for Reflexologists
  • First Christian Church 613 Statesville Blvd Salisbury NC 28147
  • April 12-13 from 9:00-5:00 each day

1 comment:

  1. Prepare4Test Adobe 9A0-384 PDF is designed with the latest 9A0-384 exam material. All questions are planned and verified by Adobe certified experts.
