Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Reflexology and the Brain-Gut Axis


What Happens in Vagus

Reflexology and the
Brain-Gut Axis

Save the date

Nov 21-22, 2020

Prerequisite: Certified Reflexologist 
Perhaps you are aware that the Vagus Nerve sends 80-90% of it's communication to the Brain.  The Brain then assesses that information and communicates back to the Body making up the other 10% of the "conversation."  This makes balancing the Vagus Nerve a valuable part of a Reflexology protocol when addressing:
not to mention
Blood Pressure
just to name a few.
Discover the difference Reflexology can make!
This class is designed to familiarize you with anatomical and reflective locations of the Vagus Nerve and its branches. 

have been assigned to this education.
Class cost: NCRA Members 295.00
(applies to members of out of state associations as well)
Non Members: 355.00
If registered before Nov 7

If registered after Nov 7
Members: 325.00
Non Members 375.00

Register with payment to:
The Academy of Reflective Wellness
4010 Oak St
Salisbury NC 28147

You can also submit payment to 
PayPal at cyndihill@att.net 

Class Location:
4070 Pine St.
Salisbury NC 28147

Upon receipt of payment, your class notes file will be emailed to you.  Please include the current functioning email you wish to receive your file to.
An additional $15 will be assigned to those who wish
The Academy of Reflective Wellness to print for you. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Reflexology Certification

The Academy of Reflective Wellness



       East Meets West Reflexology Certification

All classes are scheduled for weekends to provide easier access to adult learners. Information is presented in 6 modules broken into 2 weekends per module.   Expect new information in each module which will build on previous knowledge.
For those who need ARCB CE’s, these modules provide 32 CE’s each.  Each can be used as a stand-alone module for review of information. You’ll always pick up something new.

Cost per class is $275 per weekend or
$475 per module when paid before Early Bird (EB) dates.
After EB $550 per module.
Module 1: Intro to Reflexology
                Dates Sept 5-6 and 19-20              EB: Aug 28

Module 2: Charting the sessions/Body Systems/ Foot Pathology
                Dates Oct 3-4 and Oct 17-18        EB: Sept 25

Module 3: Build the Foot/ Pathologies/ Essential Oils
                Dates Oct 31- Nov 1 and Nov 14-15      EB: Oct 23

Module 4: TCM Reflexology/ meridians/Paired Organs/ Midterm Exam
                Dates Jan 9-10 and Jan 23-24  2021  EB: Dec 31

Module 5: TCM Reflexology/ Spine/ Dermatomes/ Myotomes/Specific Points
                Dates Feb 6-7, and Feb20-21, 2021      EB: Jan 29
3 clients 3x each to check documentation due at this time

Module 6: TCM Muscles and Meridians/ Utilize info/ Exam
                Dates: March 6-7 and March 20-21, 2021         EB: Feb 26
            10 clients 3x each for documentation evaluation

Make checks payable to The Academy of Reflective Wellness

                                                   4010 Oak St
                                                   Salisbury NC 28147
Or you can utilize Paypal at cyndihill@att.net

Class Location: The Academy of Reflective Wellness
                                4070 Pine St
                                Salisbury NC 28147

Additional Classes offered:

Hands and Ears- concentrating on hands and ears
Prerequisite: understanding of TCM
                Dates: April17-18,  2021          EB March26
Cost:EB $275      after $325 EB date
14 ce’s
Face Reflexology-
learning the value of reflections on the face
Prerequisite: understanding of TCM

28 CE's
                Dates: May 1-2 and May 15-16   2021 EB April 23
Cost: EB $475     after EB$ 550

Reflexology: Brain-Gut Axis
Prerequisite: Certified Reflexologist
14 CE's
                Dates May 29-30  2021             EB May 20
Cost: EB $275     After EB date $325

Make checks payable to The Academy of Reflective Wellness
                                                   4010 Oak St
                                                   Salisbury NC 28147
Or you can utilize Paypal at cyndihill@att.net

Class Location: The Academy of Reflective Wellness
                                4070 Pine St
                                Salisbury NC 28147

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Reflexology and the Brain-Gut Axis

What Happens in Vagus

Reflexology and the
Brain-Gut Axis

Save the date

May 30-31, 2020

Prerequisite: Certified Reflexologist 
Perhaps you are aware that the Vagus Nerve sends 80-90% of it's communication to the Brain.  The Brain then assesses that information and communicates back to the Body making up the other 10% of the "conversation."  This makes balancing the Vagus Nerve a valuable part of a Reflexology protocol when addressing:
not to mention
Blood Pressure
just to name a few.
Discover the difference Reflexology can make!
This class is designed to familiarize you with anatomical and reflective locations of the Vagus Nerve and its branches. 

14 ARCB ceu's have been assigned to this education.
Class cost: NCRA Members 295.00
(applies to members of out of state associations as well)
Non Members: 355.00
If registered before May 7

If registered after May 7
Members: 325.00
Non Members 375.00

Register with payment to:
The Academy of Reflective Wellness
4010 Oak St
Salisbury NC 28147

You can also submit payment to 
PayPal at cyndihill@att.net 

Class Location:
4070 Pine St.
Salisbury NC 28147

Upon receipt of payment, your class notes file will be emailed to you.  Please include the current functioning email you wish to receive your file to.
An additional $15 will be assigned to those who wish
The Academy of Reflective Wellness to print for you.